Anne Marie DiSanto
Anne Marie grew up in the Niagara Region and received her BA Honours in English Language and Literature from Brock University. After working for several years at the Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake, she returned to Niagara College and graduated at the top of her class from the Law Clerk Program. During her studies at Niagara, Anne Marie worked for a mid-size law firm in Niagara Falls as a co-op student, and then began working in the Estates department at that same Firm on a full-time basis following graduation.
Five years later, Anne Marie returned to university to pursue her LLB from City University in London, England. She took advantage of her newfound love of travelling and explored many countries in Europe. She returned to the same law firm following graduation to work first as a summer student and then to complete her articles.
Anne Marie became an associate in the firm after her call to the bar in January 2017. The following year, she and Kimberley, who was a colleague and close friend, decided to open DiSanto & Gray LLP.
Anne Marie's main areas of practice are Family Law, Estates and Estate Litigation. Her previous years of work as a clerk makes her particularly well suited to assist clients dealing with these areas of law.
Anne Marie is active in the community and is proud to be a member on several boards including the Quest Community Health Centre (questchc.ca),
Niagara Sexual Assault Centre (niagarasexualassaultcentre.com), and Chippawa Lioness. She is also a member of the Welland County Law Association and Lincoln County Law Association.
In her spare time, Anne Marie loves reading, spending time with friends and family, and travelling as much as her time and busy schedule permits. She especially loves spending time with her niece.